
[1] Details of the snapshot can be seen in section 7.3

[2] Copies of completed worksheets are held by the Crowborough Partnership

[3] Full details of which can be seen in section 7.5

[4] Copies of which can be seen in the appendices

[5] To be found in section 8

[6] A copy of the questionnaire can be seen in the appendices 1

[7] A copy of which can be seen in the Appendix 1

[8] NB this is a 2001 Census figure

2NB this is based on 2001 Census data


[10] This is excluding those who are retired, students, looking after home/family, and permanently sick or disabled people.

[11] Pedestrian access only

[12] Access on foot, bicycle or horse

[13] RUPPs are currently being reclassified. Access rights are on foot or horse but may include horse and carriage or motorised vehicle depending on the history of the route

[14] NB this is based on 2001 Census data

[15] NB this is a 2001 Census figure

[16] A letter rather than a completed questionnaire was returned by Danehill, and their views are only incorporated into question 1.

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